Your most valuable assets are most likely your loved ones. Preparing the next generation to successfully follow in your footsteps involves a lifetime of daily decisions and actions. A key ingredient of your consistent efforts is a carefully constructed Will or Trust that reflects the values and priorities the Lord has instilled in you over a lifetime. Making decisions about your estate today will prevent others from needing to make the decisions for you tomorrow.

As believers, we understand that God owns everything. In estate planning, we are simply arranging to responsibly transfer the stewardship of it in a way that will please the One who has created all and owns all.


Estate planning is for everyone, regardless of whether you have a lot or a little. The benefit will be to your loved ones and the charities you care most about.

Completing your estate planning process will relieve the tension in your mind knowing that life is uncertain and the nagging worry that your affairs may need to be brought up-to-date. Experience the joy and relief of knowing you are leaving the legacy you desire.


PhilanthroCorp will help you identify your important relationships and resources and then recommend the most effective tools to ensure that your family is well cared for and that you leave the legacy you choose.

The process begins by conducting a phone interview where PhilanthroCorp asks questions to learn your story, including your wishes and hopes for future generations.

PhilanthroCorp then provides tools that can guide you to legacy decisions within the privacy of your home.

Based on those decisions, PhilanthroCorp will design a plan that will be refined through a series of phone conversations and then ultimately implemented by your attorney or an attorney that PhilanthroCorp can refer you to

In preparation for your initial call with PhilanthroCorp, please have in mind ballpark figures for:

  • Assets like real estate, vehicles, special possessions
  • Life insurance
  • Retirement
  • Other investments or savings