Deuteronomy 17:18 “He shall write for himself a copy of this law on a scroll in the presence of the Levitical priests.”

Observation: Moses was telling the people what he had heard God say, which included the fact that one day they would have a king. God required the king  to write out his own copy of the law, and do so in the presence of the priests. 

Application: The priests were probably there to make an honest man of the king, making sure he wrote the law completely and accurately. But of greater interest to me is that the king wasn’t to hire the writing done; he was to do it himself.

Think about why the king was to write the law himself. Why not just read what others had written; surely with a good teleprompter and cue cards he would be able to convince most of the people through future prime time telecasts that he knew the law inside and out.

I think about my own quiet time journaling in the context of this verse. I learn much more when I write it down. I read more purposely for meaning, and find myself being more intentional about asking God to teach me something from that day’s reading. 

Before journaling, I used to do my Bible reading in a comfortable chair; now I sit at a table, which makes me much more attentive. Habakkuk 2:2 says, "Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets so that a herald may run with it”  (NIV). Reading what others have written is good, but it is far more excellent to write myself what I hear God saying from His word. I realize that journaling is probably a very good idea.

Prayer: Father, thank You for Your faithfulness to meet me each morning. I know I can never recapture those countless mornings when I failed to meet You, but I’m just grateful for today with You, and look forward with eager anticipation to tomorrow.