2 Peter 1:4 “He has granted to us His precious and magnificent promises, so that by them you might become partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world by lust.”

Psalm 92:13-14 “[The righteous] will flourish in the courts of our God. They will still yield fruit in old age; they shall be full of sap and very green.”

Observation: These two passages, written nearly a thousand years apart, seem today to have divine juxtaposition. Peter holds out the promise that as we receive true life and holiness through faith in Christ, we will participate in His divine life, “having escaped the corruption that is in the world by lust.” Similarly, the psalmist wrote in Psalm 92 that if we become righteous (which can happen only by giving ourselves fully to Christ), we will flourish and still yield fruit even in our old age; we will remain full of sap and very green.

Application: Well hallelujah! Haven’t I been looking for the proverbial fountain of youth? I think I have stumbled upon it! What a fun thing to contemplate, that I can grow old as earthly years are counted yet still remain like a young sapling spiritually, filled with strength and vigor in the Lord to impact those around me.

I can recall many times reading with some envy the story of Abraham and Sarah. They trusted God and conceived a child in their old age, in a season of life where physical corruption should long since have made such a thing impossible. But such corruption, the ossification of my spirit, is not my necessary lot in life. Although the body does indeed grow old and stiffen, my spirit never ages, for I am filled with His Holy Spirit, and He is eternal. The “me” that I am lives forever!

Like a flexible green sapling catching fresh winds from heaven and happily passing them along, I can remain filled with life and fruitfulness all my days. I am not asking God for new physical offspring, as did Abraham, but I do pray for my life to produce good fruit of eternal value each day I remain on the earth. The power of His life within me need never suffer corruption and decay.

Prayer: Holy Spirit, breathe Your life into me afresh. Fill me today so fully that You overflow all I do, all I say, all I write. Give me knowledge and understanding so I can speak Your life to those around me.  And make me a useful instrument in Your hands until the moment I cross over into Your manifest presence.  I love You, Lord!