Joshua 18:3:  “So Joshua said to the sons of Israel, ’How long will you put off entering to take possession of the land which the Lord, the God of your fathers, has given you?’”

Observation: All Israel had assembled following the conquering of the land, but seven tribes had not yet divided and claimed their inheritance. So Joshua devised a plan for having tribal representatives reach agreement as to what portion each tribe should take.

Application: The cry of Joshua to the Israelites is the same as the cry of God’s heart to His people today: “How long will you put off entering to take possession of the land which the Lord has given you?” Some among us have heard the Gospel and know intellectually what God purchased on the Cross, but still fail to walk in it. Others have been baptized in the past; still others have confessed Christ as Savior at some point, but have never fully laid hold of the reality of a changed life. How the cry of God’s heart for us today is reflected in Joshua’s words!

My heart is heavy with thoughts of so many friends and family members who are in similar situations described above. They have heard but not responded. They know what Christ has done but have turned away or put off their response.  Because of that, many will go into eternity in their lost condition. 

Then I examine the ways in which I fall short of “taking possession of all the land which the Lord has given” me, and I am undone by what I see. My personal priorities leave no room for thinking critically of others; instead, I must fall on my face in repentance for pursuing an inheritance of my own design rather than laying claim to His riches.

Prayer: Lord, You have offered me such a wonderful, wide expanse of rich land, so much opportunity to impact the world for Christ, and yet I fall so far short.  Teach me day by day what it is to be truly responsive to You, not just to have a glad heart about all You have done for me. Help me turn that gladness into a good use of time and resources so land purchased by Your blood will bear much fruit.